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Feng Shui  Tip for Prosperity Health Wealth and Happiness

Do you have a few Broken items lying around the kitchen or in your basement?

Fix things that are broken~ as the old saying goes. “If it is broke~ then you are too!” 
Anything that doesn’t work as it should is a sign of something wrong in the area of your life that corresponds to that part of your space. Look for anything that needs repair. It’s time to do something about that loose doorknob, non-working light switch, stuck file drawer, or watch or clock that doesn’t keep correct time, to name just a few possible examples. If you need some guidance read this. 

Organize Everything

That my Friends is your Quick and Easy Feng Shui Tip for Prosperity Health Wealth and Happiness

Your Action STEP:  Today is to  Quickly Remove any Broken or unloved items like these from your home. You can drop them off at your local Shelter,  donate to local charity, or fix them so they work properly.

Happy FengShuiing!

Whether you think you can or think you can't, your RIGHT




Originally posted 2012-11-05 18:38:00.

Feng Shui Tip for Prosperity Health Wealth and Happiness

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