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Circle of Wealth LOA Tip of the day: YOU ARE THE ONLY THING BLOCKING YOU, so  Get out of Your Own Way.

OVERWHELM CircleofWealth

Do you ever find yourself feeling stuck, unmotivated, maybe even a little depressed about your career, choices in friends, family drama, your home and lifestyle your home etc?

We all go through that little “funky phase” at certain times in our lives, however, we sometimes don’t realize it is YOU, standing in our own way blocking opportunities from coming into our lives. This is the universe’s way of telling you to take a break from the Go-Go Hustle you have been going through and spend some One-on-One time with the best person you know… YOU!

My 3 Tips How to Stop feeling stuck, Overwhelmed & Hopeless

Here is what to do….

Say No to your schedule even if for only 15 minutes during the day or weekend. I like to get up before the rest of my house does… I make my coffee, and I would like to say that I meditate however I get so excited by all the things I want to get done today, I plunge into the online space eager to serve… YOU! xo

So, What would your advice to me be?

Get out of Your Own Way Danielle... take some time for just you to reflect and think or just daydream with that morning coffee…

Take back your time and give your soul what it is yearning for.. some attention to really relax.

The Law of Attraction states that whatever it is that you allow yourself to believe is the truth about you. 

So you need to change your Mindset and :
First, DECIDE that you’re ready to redefine yourself. 
Second, DECIDE you are unavailable for anything less than fabulous and wonderful. Champagne taste!
Third, DECIDE who you get to be in this life.  You Can Be Or Do and Have anything you want.
Finally, Choose to DECIDE that it’s YOUR TIME and don’t let anyone or anything or anyone stand in YOUR Own WAY!  (even YOU!)

If you aren’t quite sure How to Get Out of Your Own Way , or need some more helpful reads, you definitely need to check these articles I wrote for you. Or better Yet, check out my course how to Attract everything you Want into Your Life, it’s VERY affordable, I promise.

Toxic Draining People in Your Life?

This is a big one, sometimes we don’t know how to say NO to someone, especially if it’s a sibling, parent, or spouse. In My opinion, toxic is toxic no matter what. Get those toxic people out of your way.

Here is my solution on How to deal with Negative Toxic People in your life

Another Block that is in your Way is Time for Someone Special…

We all get busy, you may be feeling the disconnect from your Special someone in your life… make time for some love chi, it affects you too! Here is the link to where I Make time for my special someone, My Husband, since 2002, and it’s working for us. Staying true to you and taking back your Power that is the key. get Out of Your Own Way.

Believe in what you want so much that it has no choice but to show up quotes

Are you feeling overwhelmed?

Staying true to you and taking back your Power that is the key. get Out of Your Own Way.

How to Deal with Toxic Negative People in your Life My Simple Fast effective 3 Step Strategy

First Love is Self Love so if you need to find yourself again here are some of my Ideas listed in this post:

take back your power you are in control

Remember, You are in control.

Hope that helps you get out of Your little “funky phase” and figure out that YOU are the only thing Blocking you, and all of the loving Prosperous Opportunities that you are wanting, you just need to Believe you deserve those things, Ask the Universe for it and Get out of Your Own Way.

Be Blessed!

Your Feng Shui and LOA Friend- Danielle
Be Bold Be Beautiful Be You

Originally posted 2019-08-12 08:18:14.

Get Out of your Own Way

    Be Bold Be Beautiful Be You
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