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How to Use the Emotional Guidance Scale to move you into the Vortex.


In one of my videos from the 21-Day Challenge How to Attract everything you Want in your Life,  I mention the Emotional Guidance Scale.

Here is a little intro as to what it is and I tell you in 3 simple steps How to Use the Emotional Guidance Scale to move into the Vortex

In one of my videos from the 21-Day Challenge How to Attract everything you Want in your Life,  I mention the Emotional Guidance Scale.

Abraham – Hicks says that you must quiet your mind, first, then you can reach for the most better feeling thought. In One step you can just…


The higher vibrating thought will always bring you up the scale towards the next better feeling thought. Here is the Emotional Guidance Scale for your reference. The Momentum of the Vortex will get you moving in the correct direction.

Where are you on the Emotional Guidance Scale?

The Emotional Guidance Scale.png

Why would you Use this emotional Guidance Scale to move into the Vortex?

The scale is used to bring the emotional Vibration of your being into Alignment.


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How to Use this emotional Guidance Scale to move into the Vortex:

  1.  Find out where you are on this scale.
  2. Go Deep! Ask yourself how you are feeling right now?
  3. To move upwards, you must quiet the mind and release all resistance. If you need help then please adjust your focus and your thinking. Think about those things that bring Joy to your life” like a baby cooing or smiling up at you for example.

Ask, Believe, and get yourself into alignment so that you are READY to receive everything that you have waiting for you!

This is a fabulous tool that I personally use DAILY that helps me REACH for and manifest then create the lifestyle and business of my dreams.

Hope that Helps!


Do you have trouble finding out where you are on the emotional scale?

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Originally posted 2017-06-08 12:51:40.

How to Use the Emotional Guidance Scale to move into the Vortex?

    how to attract everything you want 21 day challenge
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