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You’ll meet different people throughout the Holiday Season
People from all walks of life. From those that are very well off, to those that are Homeless, and of course all those in between and even those that are house poor or working poor.  My point is that everyone has a Personal Story to be told.  Be it a Rags to Riches or Riches to Rags.

I have seen that people tend to treat other People differently depending on their Personal Story and experience they may have had. People judge others based on their stature in the community, their family, in the workplace and in their life in General.

What’s your Story? Everyone needs to have some reflection time. Ask yourself, what brings you to your knees in the Shower? or keeps you up at night? Is it money issues or lack of? Relationships that are broken or non- existent?  Have a good cry and some self reflection time, believe me you’ll come out of that a stronger person.   
As Bob Proctor says
“Set a goal to achieve something that is so big, so exhilarating that it excites you and scares you at the same time.” …“Most people are not going after what they want.”`Bob Proctor.

I say ask yourself..What can I do differently? Who can I help? What would I like to change in your life?  Remember, to start telling a your New and Improved Story and watch your world unfold.

“Time of Stress is the sign for it’s Time for Growth.”

I wish you and yours a Happy Holiday season and a Prosperous New Year!

Originally posted 2016-12-22 11:30:00.

As we reflect in the year gone by…

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