On Day 20 of our 21 Day Challenge, How to Attract everything you want in your life!

So, here I am in my backyard today Enjoy the sunshine and feeling Fabulous and Like I’m on Vacation!
Today’s Challenge is to Fake it ‘Til you Make it Baby!
Just like you are on Vacation. How about you go ahead and book that Vacation, Make plans like you’ll have the Money to pay for them.
Click the Image to watch me Faking it! On Day 20 of our 21-Day Challenge, you need to pretend to be on vacation, or that you are with that special someone, Now!
So, if you are looking to lose weight, then put aside those fat pants and go buy some inspirational pants, or buy clothes like you’ll fit into them the way you want.
If you are Ready for that Career Change, I want you to go out and Try on the suit of your dreams! Imagine yourself wearing that on your First day of that Job you are wanting! Tell the sales guy that you start on ABC date and need something new and refreshing!
**If you are looking to attract a Partner or certain someone into your life.
Make space in your life for them, make space your car, make space in your bedroom, your front closet, or if you are really daring to go book a dinner reservation for a few weeks from Today, in advance, at your local restaurant for TWO!
Let me know how that goes! I’m Cheering you on from here Girlfriend! 🙂
All of this action will narrow the Vibrational gap between YOU and whatever it is that you are desiring or wanting to attract into your life. Helping you to Pivot from where you are to where you want to go!
Remember, Dress for the Job you want, not the Job you have.
I will leave you with another Quote that I love and have on my Fridge.
“You have to tell the story the way you want it to be. Everything that you are living is in response to the story that you are telling~Period. – Abraham.
Much Love,
Originally posted 2017-06-08 14:19:26.