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Are you wanting to learn how to make your vision board?

Hello Friend, Let me guess you are here because you now understand the importance of having a vision board for yourself and want to make your very own vision board.

How to Make an Inspiration/Vision Board– One of the ways I motivate myself to live an intentional life is by creating Inspiration/Vision Boards. They help me define what I want in my life, focus on my goals, and dream about the future.

Look no further here are my 6 Simple steps to help you make your very own vision board.

You can make your vision board in 6 simple steps:

  1. Create a list of Goals /dreams you wish to Achieve.
  2. Gather pictures of what you like. Gather some magazines that you like. If you don’t have any magazines on hand, ask medical offices or libraries for their old magazines. Buy one or print off pictures from the internet. Find pictures that represent your goals or symbolize the future you wish to create., experience, and attract into your life. Use photographs, magazine cutouts, images from the web, or whatever inspires you! Make a Pinterest board.

  3. Make a Collage, Keep it Neat to plan out the layout, use our vision board template. Make a collage out of all these images on a bulletin board, wall, or in a binder. Feel free to get creative! Consider including a picture of yourself in a happy moment. Keep it neat. Avoid creating a cluttered or chaotic board – you don’t want to attract chaos into your life.

  4. Keep if focused on One Goal. Step 1 Create a list of goals you’d like to achieve. You can always make another vision board for your other Goals. It’s ok.
  5. Use Positive affirmations, inspirational words, or inspiring quotes to your vision board. That represents how you want to FEEL, like “courage,” “love,” or “imagination.
  6. Take a few moments to review your vision board every day, especially when you wake up and before you go to bed
  7. Place it where you can see it every morning and night, Don’t forget to take a few moments every day to review your vision board with Visualization techniques.
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You can make your Digital Version of your Vision Board easily on Pinterest or Canva

Here’s How to Make your Digital Vison board:

  • Follow steps 1 to 6 above, only you will gather your Images, your inspired thoughts, goals, and words save them into a folder on your desktop, name the folder My Vision Board for this Goal that I am wanting to attract or achieve into my life.

  • When you decided where you would like to keep those pics, wither in Canva, PowerPoint slide, word doc, or good docs or a secret Pinterest board, you can start creating adding to it and making it pretty. You can always print it off and place it on the fridge or somewhere you wish to view and visualize it daily.

Need some inspiration?

Include some words like love, wealth, a picture of your dream home, inspirational works.

If you need some help take a look at the following list of questions I have listed for you below.

What are we wanting to Celebrate this month or next?

What would you like to Focus on?

What is a lifestyle goal?

What do you want to simplify in your life?

What is something very deeply personal that you long to have or hold or be or do?

What people would you like to spend more time with?

WHat are you passionate about?

What do you wish you had more time to spend doing?

What is your purpose in life?
Whate spiritually do you want to spend more time doing?

What projects would you like work on?

What projects would you like to start, complete?

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What events would you like to attend?

Who would you like to have over for dinner?

How would you like to make your Home more luxurious?

If you are working on too many areas of your life, pick one thing you want to attract and create a vision board for just that.

Visualize, say your affirmations daily, every Morning three times and at night.

Did you know that the thoughts and images you mull over in your Mind every night before you go to bed. Stay with you, you usually dream about them. Make your thoughts meaningful.

Here’s a few more that I created from our I am Positive affirmations Collections

Have fun and I hope that Inspires you to Create Your Vision Board, these are beautiful pieces of Artwork that you can change up as often as you like. Keeps you motivated and action oriented. You can make as many as you like, one for each goal, or area of your life or even as a monthly planner. Why not?


Originally posted 2020-10-09 05:01:00.

How to Make Your Own Vision Board in 6 Simple Steps

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