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how Your Best Sleeping Direction is determined by your Ming GUA Number. 

Are you aware of what Keeps you up at Night tossing and Turning?

Your Best Sleeping Direction is determined by your Ming GUA Number in Feng Shui.

Let’s Learn where to Move your Bed to your Best Sleeping Direction and see if you get a Better Night’s Sleep.

Did you know that  Your Best Sleeping Direction is determined by GUA Number?

Have you ever spent the entire night tossing and turning and not getting a very good night’s sleep? Only to wake up a few times to go to the bathroom, and never get back to sleep or even settled.

I have too!

Have you ever watched a baby sleep?

They rotate until they find their Best sleeping direction and usually it is not the same direction you laid them down in their crib.  If you are not sleeping well, you probably feel irritable, grumpy and very frustrated repeatedly night after night.

Your Best Sleeping Direction is determined by GUA Number

 “Try this! If we move your Bed location or just have your head facing your best sleeping direction you could be sleeping like a baby!”   It’s not that hard!”

“Here is Your Gua Calculator Formula I’ve been using for over 16 years to help sleep-deprived people just like you find their best sleeping directions to make for a good night’s sleep.”

Your Best Sleeping Direction is determined by GUA Number

What keeps you up at night tossing and Turning? Your Best Sleeping Direction is determined by your Ming GUA Number in Feng Shui.

Here are the steps you need to follow to understand what is a Ming Gua Number, and How to Calculate it.

Once this is completely understood, then you can decide what energy you are looking to tap into and hang out in that sector.

These important areas of your life could be for better  Health, Wealth, Exam luck, better sleep, and health. In general, these are the areas of life we are all aiming for however let’s focus on one for now. Health and Wellness in Feng Shui

1. First You Need to Know what is a ming Gua Number

This number is sometimes called your guardian star or your Ming Gua or just plain old Gua number, some cultures spell it Kua. Either way, it’s the same number we are talking about. Your GUA Number is affiliated with the five elements in Feng Shui.

Remember those?

For the newbies, you can read more about the Five elements which are Fire, earth, metal, water, wood, and how they work together here. Your Ming Gua is also about one of the eight trigrams ( Kan, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Qian, Dui, Gen, LI) these tell us all about your Character and how you relate to others.

the Five elements

People with the Same ming gua as you share similar characteristics in their behavior likes and dislikes.  Your  Ming Gua also determines your Best Sleeping, working and studying directions.

Why is a Ming Gua Number important?

CircleofWealthDestinyDefined yin and Yang Logo
CircleofWealth Destiny Defined

In Feng Shui, numbers and directions apply to Your house and to YOU.

Let that sink in for a moment. It also includes anyone who lives in that same dwelling as you,  including your pets.  The purpose of the Ming Gua Numbers, according to 8 mansion feng shui, is to find the Best Chi (energies) in the house for each individual, bed positioning, place of the oven, direction of the entrance door, the direction your sleep study and work

The Gua (to be pronounced “Kua”) of your loved ones will make you understand them better. It will be easier for you to see what motivates them and their behavior. It’s truly amazing to see the true relationships between people, especially family members are true just by looking at their ming gua number.

2. How to Calculate Your Ming Gua Number

This Gua Calculating Formula is simple. You only need to know two pieces of information. First your year of birth and your gender.


The GUA number calculations for a female are slightly different than the GUA number calculations for a male.


 Because the Yang Male and Yin Female chi tend to flow in opposite directions.

Your Best Sleeping Direction is determined by your Ming GUA Number.

Don’t worry, you won’t have to sleep in opposite directions, just plan for the breadwinner’s best sleeping direction.

Here’s how to figure out your Ming Gua number below:

Ming GUA NUMBER FOR The Ladies

  1. Add the last two numbers of your year of birth and bring it to a single digit.
  2. Add your single digit to number 5.
  3. This is your GUA Number!


  1. Add the last two numbers of your year of birth and bring it to a single digit.
  2. Deduct your single digit from number 10.
  3. This is your GUA Number!


Your Best Sleeping Direction is determined by your Ming GUA NumberWHAT’S WRONG WITH YOUR LOVE CHI?


Here is a Ming Gua Number Calculation example for you.

Step 1) Add the numbers together of your year of birth to create a single digit i.e.
1975 = 4, 1983 = 3, 1969 = 7

Step 2) If you are female add 4. For a female born in 1969 = 7.
7 plus 4 for a female = 11 = 2. Your Ming Gua is 2

If you are male subtract from 11.
For a male born in 1969, subtract 7 from 11 = 4. Your Ming Gua is 4

Note: A year that adds up to 5 for a female becomes 8 Ming Gua A year that adds up to 5 for a male becomes 2 Ming Gua.

**Remember Chinese New Year begins around February 4 each year, so if you were born on
February 1, 1969, the year you calculate for your Ming Gua is actually 1968.

3. Find Your Best sleeping Direction by Using Your Personal Ming Gua Number

Congratulations! Now that you have calculated what your Personal Ming Gua Number is let’s find out your Best Sleeping Directions using this chart.

the east and west group ming gua directions Your Best Sleeping Direction is determined by your Ming GUA Number
Your Best Sleeping Direction is determined by your Ming GUA Number


So let me Define the Chinese for you.

Best Directions for Your Ming Gua Number is as follows:

Your absolute Best Direction is your Sheng Qi this is for Great Prosperity & Respectability

Your Next Best Direction is your Tian Yi this is for Longevity & Romantic Relationships

Thirdly, we have another best direction Yan Nian this is for Good Health & Harmonious Relationships.

Fourth, this Best Direction is Fu Wei,  great for tapping into Peace and Stability. This is your Best sleeping direction!

The Bad Directions forYour Ming Gua Number is as Follows:

On the right side of this chart these are the not so good directions, ok they are Bad to Worse.

Let’s start with Box #5 the Huo Hai direction, this is possible to cause Accidents, arguments, and injury.

Box #6 is called Wu Gui direction, known for Possible malicious encounters and Failed Relationships.

Box #7 is second worse direction, Liu Sha, which causes Litigation, Accidents Fire and Injury.

The Final Box on the right side of the chart is called Jui Ming, which is the worst of all the boxes in the chart. It means a total loss.  Possible Diseases, Misfortune, & Unproductive Careers. In other words, Job Loss bankruptcies, sometimes even death.** Do not stay in this sector.   

In Conclusion:

What Keeps you up at Night tossing and Turning? Your Best Sleeping Direction is determined by your Ming GUA Number in Feng Shui, and your best direction doesn’t always mean your Sheng Chi or Prosperous direction.

TIP: You should look for Restful energy, in order to rest, not prosperous energy that is for when you are awake.

Your Ming Gua Personal Directions are very important to your environment, known as your Feng Shui. Feng Shui is not just about the House Directions but the how the people interact inside the home, it is your environment that surrounds you. It is where you live, starting with your neighborhood.

To Recap Your MING GUA is :

  • Determined by your Birth year and gender
  • It reflects  how you influence people and are influenced by other people
  • It determines your favorable and unfavorable directions
  • and it can help you determine your Best Directions for sleeping, working studying, for you and your family members.

Now that you know what your Best and Worst Directions are according to your Ming Gua Number you can choose your Bedroom sleeping directions a little more carefully. Don’t forget to use your compass, You can read How to take a Compass reading here.

Also, if you or someone you love is sleeping in your Total Loss directions, please move their bed to any other direction as that is Better than total loss, Especially if they are elderly or children.

Understanding one's Ming Gua is a simple formula

Now you can find your lucky directions and use this info to improve the feng shui of your home or office.

Once again, Here are the steps you need to follow to understand what is a Ming Gua Number, and How to Calculate it to then place yourself into or facing your best direction for what you are looking to obtain in your life. Health, Wealth, Exam luck, better sleep and health, in general, are all things we Aim for.

You can position your bed so that it faces one of your best directions which is determined by your Gua Number, re-arrange your office so that your desk is facing a lucky direction…

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Originally posted 2022-04-16 14:08:00.

Your Best Sleeping Direction is determined by your Ming GUA Number

    what is my Gua Number
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