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What are you searching for?

If you are like most people you are searching for that special person to share the rest of your life with, be patient as they do exist, perhaps you just ended the wrong relationship and now you Know what you want?  That is the Ultimate Prosperity.
Hi, I have been with my soul mate, the love of my life for about 17 years now, hey I married him too, and we’ve been married now for 14 years. That’s another story.
My friends, some were not so lucky and my closest loved ones always seemed to attract the wrong ones, or they settled out of exhaustion. I am here writing this post on Thanksgiving long weekend Friday. I have to say that everyone I know goes through a period of transition, a bout of hard times, and sometimes bumps into the wrong person every now and then. However! Have hope, be patient, and most importantly, please be grateful for what you have and who is in your life right now, at this very moment.
Make time for them, and tell them that you appreciate them.  Maybe even call them up and go for a coffee.
Say I forgive you, or I Love you.
 Just Make it right! Don’t do this for them,~do this for you as you will feel much better.
 It’s the only way to get past the past and be in the present and will assist you in getting ready for the future.
A lot of people seem to look at other people’s lives and become jealous and envious, focus on You! only You and those that are in your life, as that my friends is the Ultimate Prosperity!
I appreciate you my friends, my loved ones, my family, and my online family, and wish you all a very Happy Day!
Your friend at Circle of Wealth.

Originally posted 2016-10-07 11:00:00.

What are you searching for?

    thanks for being you
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