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An affirmation is a declaration to yourself and the universe, new thought and new age refer to the practice of positive thinking which leads to positive and successful results, by don’t just take my word for it… as Wiki says…

Here is the Wikipedia definition of an Affirmation:

  1. 1.
    the action or process of affirming something or being affirmed.
    “he nodded in affirmation”
    synonyms: declaration, statement, assertion, proclamation, pronouncement, attestation; More


  2. 2.
    emotional support or encouragement.
    “the lack of one or both parents’ affirmation leaves some children emotionally crippled”

What is AFFIRM?

In Law, an affirmation means… to ratify make firm, aka confirm establish or reassert.  To ratify or confirm a former law or judgment.

Source :Law Dictionary: What is AFFIRM? definition of AFFIRM (Black’s Law Dictionary)

A Positive affirmation is something that you tell yourself in order to believe it.  Emotional support or encouragement.

What Are Positive Affirmations?

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the benefits of positive affirmations, I’d like to explain a little about them. An affirmation is really anything you say or think. A lot of what we normally say and think is quite negative and doesn’t create good experiences for us. We have to retrain our thinking and speaking into positive patterns if we want to change our lives.

An affirmation opens the door. It’s a beginning point on the path to change. In essence, you’re saying to your subconscious mind: “I am taking responsibility. I am aware that there is something I can do to change.” When I talk about doing affirmations, I mean consciously choosing words that will either help eliminate something from your life or help create something new in your life. Source Louise Hay

Every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation. All of our self-talk, our internal dialogue, is a stream of affirmations. You’re using affirmations every moment whether you know it or not. You’re affirming and creating your life experiences with every word and thought.

Your beliefs are merely habitual thinking patterns that you learned as a child. Many of them work very well for you. Other beliefs may be limiting your ability to create the very things you say you want. What you want and what you believe you deserve may be very different. You need to pay attention to your thoughts so that you can begin to eliminate the ones creating experiences you do not want in your life. -Louise Hay

Please realize that every complaint is an affirmation of something you think you don’t want in your life. Every time you get angry, you’re affirming that you want more anger in your life. Every time you feel like a victim, you’re affirming that you want to continue to feel like a victim. If you feel that Life isn’t giving you what you want in your world, then it’s certain that you will never have the goodies that Life gives to others-that is, until you change the way you think and talk.-Source Louise Hay.

I believe you make your own Movie, Tell a different Story beat to the Drum you are wanting not the drum that you have been handed. If you don;t like that drum, change it for a different drum. Never Settle.

You can do it. can do it. We all can do it-we just need to learn how. So let’s get to it.


Thinking about Happy thoughts is the first step. I tell my kids this all the time, especially before they fall asleep. If you are afraid, or upset, think about what makes you smile. Starting with the love of your life, the pet that greets you when you come home with unconditional love.

So think happy thoughts, it’s that simple. And it is doable. The way you choose to think, right now, is

The way you choose to think, right now, is your choice.

Live in this moment . . . you can choose to change your thinking. Your life won’t turn around overnight, but if you’re consistent and make the choice on a daily basis to think thoughts that make you feel good, you’ll definitely make positive changes in every area of your life.

Use your positive affirmations write them down, read and surround yourself with positive people.  Your life won’t turn around overnight, but if you’re consistent and make the choice on a daily basis to think thoughts that make you feel good, you’ll definitely make positive changes in every area of your life.

If you would like to create your own affirmations start with ” I AM….”Your life won’t turn around overnight, but if you’re consistent and make the choice on a daily basis to think thoughts that make you feel good, you’ll definitely make positive changes in every area of your life.


Source :Law Dictionary: What is AFFIRM? definition of AFFIRM (Black’s Law Dictionary)

Here are some of my Favorite Positive and Easy Affirmations. 


Originally posted 2017-05-16 13:07:44.

What is an Affirmation and why are they important?

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