Are wondering if Wealth or Money Affirmations really work? Of course, you are. So often, we doubt ourselves. Let me ask you this, have you ever dropped something, and got mad at yourself? Out Loud? with a Negative comment to yourself about how clumsy, or dumb you are? 🙂 Me too.
You probably started that sentence off with “I AM” so…. insert cuss word here or negative comment. Am I right?
That my friend is a negative affirmation, so powerful that you probably dropped something shortly thereafter, or fell down or forgot your keys. See how that works?
When, in fact, we have to be positive and support ourselves. Affirmation is the moment, to be honest with ourselves and know that we have a treasure house of power and creativity.
Words can make us or break us. They craft our present and affect our future. What we say not only impacts our lives, but our statements also leave an effect on others around us.
If you want to see a change in your life, watch out for your words, restructure your thoughts, and stay positive, because, Yes, we are what we think about so affirmations really do work. Yes Money affirmations all of them work.
Please note that in order for affirmations to work, the trick is to start them in the present moment and with the words I AM…
Don’t believe me?

How did that Feel? I see you smiling. 🙂
Please note that in order for affirmations to work, the trick is to start them in the present moment and with the words I AM…
Here are some Powerful I AM Affirmations from my “IAM Positive Affirmations” for Wealth & Self Love Collections.

Have Fun, I AM!

Originally posted 2020-11-01 15:14:27.