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Do you suffer from pain or headaches, stomach issues or lower-back pain???

(Updated Jan 16, 2018)

I suffer from Migraines and a lot of Headaches… not fun at all…
sometimes to the point where I am vomiting and have to stay in bed for a few days at a time, usually in total darkness.

I came across this article about the little map on your body that you can use on yourself….where the diagram is simply amazing. I swore I would share it with all my friends and family that could use some healing. The Diagram itself is simply educational, to say the least, and the results are pretty quick…

Try it for yourself and comment below and let us know if it helped you or someone you know that suffers from Pain, such as headaches, stomach issues or like my husband lower back pain.

Image Source

Acupuncture is a Holistic non-invasive way to relieve pain the body.

As many of you know that certain areas of our home are connected to our inner Feng Shui which is the body.When someone is complaining of stomach issues I usually head to the southwest sector of their home as the stomach is represented there. If there are any afflictions I remove it if possible or perhaps relocate the bed if it is located there. ( temporarily)

If you have a sore area, you can address is specified by finding the corresponding part of the hand. For example., for lower back pain, press on the back of the hand right between the middle and fourth finger, Once you find the proper point in the hand, apply pressure for a few seconds.

Easy enough right?

Health and Wellness in Feng Shui

The results of acupressure are instant and can be similar to Chinese acupuncture; in some patients, they are so dramatic it seems like magic.

After watching my husband suffer from years of lower back pain and going through therapy to get him to walk again after a car accident, I can tell you acupuncture, acupressure coupled with Feng Shui can play an important role in the healing process.

Another tool I recommend, that had helped him with the pain was this tool.

We called it the Zapper!

We called it the Zapper!

Click Here to get your own Zapper today from my affiliate link on Amazon.

What to do to help alleviate migraines, Headaches..

As a sufferer of headaches and monthly migraines myself, I find this little trick helps me, on a monthly basis with managing my pain. I also wrote about my Feng Fu Spot for managing my pain with headaches, you can check out that article I wrote right here. 

feng fu spot

Here is the Video showcasing Dr. Alejandro Junger demonstrating tension-relieving acupressure techniques, originally found on ~Martha Stewart.

It’s Free and it works! Try it for yourself.

Do you suffer from pain or headaches, stomach issues or lower-back pain???

You can watch the video here


Dr. Alejandro Junger demonstrates SU Jok , Korean tension-relieving acupressure techniques.
Acupressure is a holistic, non-invasive way to relieve pain in the body. Su Jok, a Korean form of healing acupressure, is based on reference meridian points in the hands and feet that represent the entire body.
If you have a sore area, you can address it specifically by finding the corresponding part of the hand. For example, for lower-back pain, press on the back of the hand right between the middle and fourth finger. Once you find the proper point in the hand, apply pressure for a few seconds.

  Comment below and let us know if you suffer from pain or headaches, stomach issues, or lower-back pain and if this worked for you.

If it did, share it with a friend that suffers from pain or headaches, stomach issues or lower-back pain, every little bit helps!!


Do you have Feng Shui questions? I would love to hear from you.
You can email me at
I hope you enjoyed this article and remember to share it with your friends~because Sharing is caring!

P.S. – Have you joined our amazing secret Facebook group yet?

P.P.S. – Here’s the link to read our free guide and our Facebook Page.

Originally posted 2018-01-16 09:31:00.

Do you suffer from pain or headaches, stomach issues or lower-back pain???

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