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If you are moving, don’t take that clutter with you.
Make sure that your new home will start off on the right foot of great clean feng shui as that is the best Feng shui foundation for any new home.

This would be a family affair and a very personal one at that.  Clutter has been known to bog down and even
depress people or in my case be overwhelming at times… A good quote I read
the other day was this “Cleaning up after children is like shoveling
snow while it is still snowing”…  or something like that.. here is another one that I found…


 If you are moving make sure that your new home will start off on the right foot of great clean feng shui as that is the best Feng shui foundation for any new home. Deal with your clutter, Purge,
Keep and Move elsewhere BEFORE you pack it up and move into your new space.
Don’t drag your clutter with you from your old home to your new home.
The better the connection you have with every item you own, the better and clearer
your new home’s energy and your family’s energy levels will be.

 Decor items that might not seem like clutter can easily become clutter if you do not
need them, like them or rarely use them.

Purge, donate then pack.

I tell my kids all the time.. to ask themselves if you only had 60 seconds what toys would you grab???  Leave those ones out and pack up the rest… they won’t miss them. You can always rotate them back in after a few months.Or get them to choose the top 5 toys they have on the floor and see what they are…you will be surprised as I was to find out that my son only cared about the stuff on the shelves. So… that was easier than I thought.. Like me he was overwhelmed by the energy of his clutter and did not know what to do with it so purge, donate and pack up the rest is exactly what we did!

Well, gotta run and get to my daughter’s room today.. fun fun!  Happy Feng Shui Day~ Danielle

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Originally posted 2017-04-03 07:02:00.

Moving???? Don’t take that clutter with you…

    Cleaning with Kids
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