Have you been trying everything but keep feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and hopeless?
Well, that’s about to change soon enough with these 3 tips on how to stop feeling stuck, Overwhelmed and Hopelessness!
I’ve Been there!
During a few of my not-so-great moments (ie. meltdowns), I couldn’t figure out for the life of me why I was so frustrated and getting stuck or spinning my wheels to the point of Overwhelm and hopelessness.
You See, Overwhelm is about you not being up to speed with what you told the Universe you really want.
My reason? Too Many things to do, so little time.
Hey, I have a lot of great Ideas, Just like I’m sure you do too.
Lists of things I want to do, big projects I want to finish and at times it was just so hard to figure out my simple plan an then execute when it came down to doing it. It wasn’t pretty.
And you know what? It still happens from time to time!
But less so because practicing being present and by referring back to and using the Law of Attraction Guidance scale helped me find that stillness when my overwhelmed brain runs amok with all kinds of thoughts.
Years ago, I went through a series of personal and professional life challenges. Though most would describe me as an upbeat and down-to-earth gal, deep down, I was miserable. I tried everything but kept feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and hopeless.
In the midst of anxiety, anger, and bouts of powerlessness I remembered this handy tool I use to use all the time. You see when you are in Good times, you don’t look for solutions but when Bad time hits us we get stressed out and toggle between feelings of overwhelming doubt and even powerlessness and sometimes we get stuck there in the state of depression.
Have a look and see where you are on the scale.
Well Here is the Emotional Guidance Scale for you to keep and download for Free. I didn’t come up with it I just made it look pretty!

Next, You have to look for triggers as to what made you feel this way and write those down.
Here is a post on How to use it. You can read that here.
On with My Top 3 Tips you can do to stop feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and hopeless.
Here are the same three tricks I’ve been using for over the last10 years to help people, myself included, deal with my feelings of feeling stuck, Overwhelmed and Hopelessness.
Tip # 1. |Use the Emotional Guidance Scale above to figure out where you are on the scale.
Keep a running list of how you are feeling about certain situations. Could it be too many deadlines? Full Calendar or schedule? Are you being pulled in many different directions? Is the house a mess?
These are all valid reasons for feeling overwhelmed. It is important to recognize How you are feeling on the scale, what triggers those feelings and to pivot and climb up to the top of the Emotional Guidance Scale.
Here is a post on How to use it. You can read that here.
Here is 10 Second summary of how to Use Law of Attraction if you are short on time.
10 Second Summary
1. Relax your mind and meditate for 5 to 10 minutes.
2. Know exactly what you want. Have a clear and detailed image.
3. Send the Universe a mental picture of what you want. ASK!
4. Write your wish down and feel it happening to you.
5. Show gratitude by recording all the things the Universe has given you. BELIEVE. Believe. BELIEVE! You deserve it!
6. Be patient and trust the Universe will bring it to you. RECEIVE!
On with the Top 3 things you can do to stop feeling stuck, overwhelmed and hopeless.
Here are the same three tricks I’ve been using for over the last10 years to help people, myself included, deal with my feelings of feeling stuck, Overwhelmed and Hopelessness.
Tip #1. Use the Emotional Guidance Scale to figure out where you are on the scale.
Here are some suggestions on how to handle those above-mentioned points
2. Say No and offer Rain –Checks
By Saying No You commit to less.
This, in turn, frees up your calendar. I suggest you take a hard look at your calendar and see what it really important to you.
Here is what to do :
1- Grab your calendar and highlight those important things only. The rest can be removed and rescheduled to a later time.
2-Put a placeholder on your calendar in one to two weeks from now to reschedule all the secondary appointments.
3- Create a Bullet point list of the “NEED TO BE Rescheduled items” so you can Clear and Cancel them all.
4-Now call them up or email them to be canceled completely or rescheduled at a later date.
Don’t feel guilty, it’s your Me time, and You are Very Important!
If you are unsure as to what to say here’s my favorite line you can use…”Hello, I apologize, Something has come up and I need to reschedule my appointment to sometime after this week or so. I will get back to you sometime next week to reschedule.”
Done! No explanation needed. Which means, No Guilt.
When you Feel up to it you can reschedule on your saved date in your calendar, or it falls to the bottom of your list, don’t reschedule it. Cancel it as it was not important to you, to begin with.
Perhaps you can delegate this task of rescheduling to your Virtual Assistant or a trusted friend. Heck, I will do it for you.
3. Schedule some Me time- Think Time
Schedule Your Me time, self-care, Reflection time on your calendar right now. Giving yourself time for unconscious thought is key to making smart decisions when you face complex problems. Research shows people tend to make their best decisions when they have an opportunity to review the data and facts and then focus their thought on something else for a while.
How? Do something where your body goes on autopilot and your mind does too. You’ll be surprised by the solutions you can dream up when you aren’t purposely trying to be creative.
Here is my favorite go-to list for not feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and hopelessness.
Try this!
Self-care is crucial for your health and well being.
- Go for a Walk in Nature
- Go for a scenic drive any season, look at the city lights or country leaves. Works like a charm. Bring a couple of snacks and it’s a Mini Road trip!
- Take the kids for a Bike Ride in your neighborhood
- Take a nice relaxing massage for just you
- Take a bath add some essential oils like relaxing lavender
- Go to the Park or playground and swing on the swings
- Go to the spa and get yourself a manicure and pedicure
- Meditate – grab the Calm on your iPhone and reset the mindset.
- Do a mindless chore like washing the dishes, fold laundry or mop the floor.
- Sing! I love to sing by myself, however, I am too nervous to sing in front of my husband. Yet I signed up for SMULE Smule another iPhone app and you can find me there singing my heart out. I know weird right? I truly Love it! And it helps me. I can’t believe I shared that with you.
Sometimes you just need to Take Action, instead of scheduling and just go and Do it. An inspired thought is always something you will enjoy doing. Why? Because you really want to do it. -Danielle Khan
In Conclusion:
Use the Emotional Guidance Scale to figure out where you are on the scale. Look for triggers as to what made you feel this way and write those down.
It’s ok to Say No and offer Rain –Checks when you are ready.
Go ahead and Clear your Calendar- Be ruthless! Schedule some very important Me time and make sure to use my favorite go-to list when you need some ideas or inspiration.
That wasn’t so bad, was it?! I hope are feeling less stressed and overwhelmed as you now have a plan.
True Story, My daughter just texted me from High School, saying she has so much homework to do this weekend and she is feeling Overwhelmed! I told her that I am currently writing a blog post and she was asking me for the link from school.
See It happens to us all. Daily!
I have a challenge for you. Go and apply these tips and let me know how you do. Help a friend while you’re at it by sharing this post :)”
ACTION STEP: You should sign up for my 21 Day How to Attract everything you want in your life Challenge.
I walk you through 21 Days of Calm then fun and exciting steps all via Video.
Click the Sign-Up button Below and we will see you soon!
Or Click Here to be added. https://page.co/8DXV
Originally posted 2017-11-10 05:00:29.