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Are you wondering what the 3 Most Important Feng Shui Areas are in your Home?

In Classical Feng Shui, we start assessing our environment from the outside with the natural land formations, mountains and water formations, etc.  In today’s world, we also have man-made forms that impact our homes and offices as well, such as hydro towers, ramps to major highways, tall buildings, etc.
Once we have taken these factors into consideration and made any changes necessary to allow the good chi, to come to our home we can step inside and take care of the 3 main areas inside the home,
 The three 3 Most Important areas of the home are the ones that you traditionally use most often, therefore you should pay special attention to them:

1) your Main Entrance, or front entry or the main door you use, including our driveway and front porch.

The main door is the chi mouth of your home, this is where the all-important chi enters the building. Depending on the direction in which it points your home breathes in a different kind of chi. To learn more about the types of chi you can read my article about that here.  

The QI or chi who arrives at the front door, should enter it freely, without obstacles.

A tree, a telegraph pole, a wall, the always open door of a garage opposite, all that will block the IQ which will find it difficult to penetrate into the house.

2)Your kitchen, in Chinese most importantly the main direction of the stove, should be facing the breadwinner’s best direction. How do you figure that out? By using the breadwinner’s favorable directions and locations.

The stove should never face the sink. This brings a lot of stress to people who cook.

and finally 3)  your master bedroom. The bed should never be located in the extension of the door of the room, the ceiling must be flat, without beams, or pointed when the room is under the roof.


So in Conclusion, there you have it the 3 most important areas of the home in Feng Shui are the Main Master bedroom, the Kitchen and your main entrance. the Most Yang Side.

Again, this is beginner-level Feng Shui, for exact locations and directions you must consult a Feng Shui practitioner.

If you have discovered a problem in what is described above. Well, know that all houses are imperfect, even the most beautiful have 4 good sectors and 4 not so good.

If you can’t change your home’s flaws, focus on its good qualities and forget about the rest.

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Originally posted 2016-12-19 11:30:00.

3 Most Important Feng Shui areas in your Home

    the most important room in your home the kitchen
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