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Hey Friends,

Some of you are knowing that something is happening in today’s world, the planet, and the entire Universe.

Yes, you are feeling this correctly. As you raise your vibration, the dark forces of energy may come out and attack you or try to make things difficult for you.. they are afraid of your power vibe and your beautiful spiritual awakening, which scares them, the so-called “sleepers”.

New Heaven and New Earth are just around the corner, just like in the book of revelations, we need to raise up our vibrations in order to ascend with the planet to 5D or we stay here with the 3D planet. – source Dolores Cannon

Raise your vibration to the new beautiful earth, you are a beautiful being of light. Keep Rising!

Here’s How to Raise your Vibration quickly…

Step One – think about what brings you Joy?
Step two- think about that for 17 seconds or more… or use your gratitude journal.
Step three- Ask, Believe and Recieve.

Not to worry here are a few of my favorite ways to raise my Vibration

Be Thankful and Start a Gratitude Journal

What is all of this Having Gratitude Wonkiness?

Here are my 11 Favorite Ways to Manifest anything you want

11 Ways to Manifest anything you want

course Take my 21-day challenge

.Fork up the Vibrational Scale aka Ladder

How do I raise my Vibration?

You truly have so many tools available to you to help you to raise your vibration or figure out how to manifest anything you truly want in your life, in fact most of the blog posts I have created were designed with my love for helping others to remember who they are and what they are truly capable of achieving.

You are enough you are so much more than a slave to this planet… it just takes some time to go within and meditate and reflect, and start with something small to manifest. feel the love and the happiness it brings to you. and REMEMBER that feeling… then do it again and again until it becomes second nature to you. Rise up, love one another be YOU! you are awesome!!!

Go into a rampage of Appreciation

Talk Positively to yourself… start with I AM

How to Use this emotional Guidance Scale to move into the Vortex:

  1.  Find out where you are on this scale.
  2. Go Deep! Ask yourself how you are feeling right now?
  3. To move upwards, you must quiet the mind and release all resistance. If you need help then please adjust your focus and your thinking. Think about those things that bring Joy to your life” like a baby cooing or smiling up at you for example.

Ask, Believe, and get yourself into alignment so that you are READY to receive everything that you have waiting for you!

This is a fabulous tool that I personally use DAILY that helps me REACH for and manifest then create the lifestyle and business of my dreams.

Originally posted 2022-04-15 12:59:52.

Why you should Raise your Vibration

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