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You know that in order to live in a good feng shui house and to be surrounded by a healthy and vibrant quality of Chi, or energy you must Declutter and Clean up before you start placing all your Feng Shui Remedies and Cures and Enhancers.

So Now that You Have Been sent your Reminder Would you Like to Know How to Declutter as the Chinese New Year quickly Approaches?

Your Font Door in Feng Shui

My suggestion would be to start at the most  Important area of the Home is Where You Greet all your visitors. Now if that happens to be your back door or side door or car door, well then that is where you start. THE MAIN Entrance and pretend that YOU are YOUR Guest that you just invited over for dinner.

Still not motivated to declutter?  Pretend that Your Important Invited guest is coming over in 15 Minutes!

Ask Your Self, What is the first thing you see?

Also, I would recommend giving those Feng Shui cures and remedies or decor a thorough cleaning before you place them out for another year.  To do this you can place them overnight in salt water or perhaps place them outside under the moonlight. We know that being outside all day, taking in the sunshine is another wonderful way to refresh and rejuvenate almost anything.

So Again I ask You, What is the first thing you see?

Your home should feel good, look good and attract all the good to you!  Knowing that, wouldn’t you want your house to have good feng shui?  Of course, you would.  However, with all the growing popularity of feng shui, the confusion surrounding various feng shui applications – be it in your house, garden or your business – seems to be steadily growing, too.  You know that the Bagua, or the feng shui energy map of your house, is the foundation for your feng shui work.

What is the first thing you see as the Invited Guest name  The Chinese New Year approaches?

You also know that if your house is full of clutter – no matter hidden or in plain view – you have to take care of your clutter first.  Applying feng shui in a cluttered house does not make much sense, as clutter is draining your personal energy, as well as blocking the flow of Chi.

My suggestion is to start with the decluttering process and then clean and then Feng Shui, Relax. Live Repeat on a yearly and monthly basis.

When Does the Chinese New Year quickly Approach?

Chinese New Year of the DOG, Yang Earth Dog (Wu Xu)
Starts on Friday, February 16th, 2018.
Stay tuned for the 2018 Annual Updates for the Year of the Yang Earth Dog (Wu Xu).

I will be releasing these shortly. Sign up to get it as soon as it is released.

Kung Hei Fat Choi. From

Here is a Handy little Chart so you can stay on top of the Chinese New Year dates.

Stay in the loop and Sign Up for the Updates on our Members-only newsletter, it’s FREE to Join. 

Are You ready to Feng shui your home

NOTE: I would like to have my Cures and Enhancers out by Jan 28th, 2018. No waiting for the energy to transfer, get it ready beforehand so you DeClutter, Then Feng Shui. Relax. & Live in Prosperity. then Repeat… next year.

Do you need A Feng Shui Consultation for your home?

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Originally posted 2017-11-07 11:49:00.

Reminder: Declutter as the Chinese New Year quickly Approaches

    Kung Hei Fat Choi. From
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