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In Feng Shui, the elements Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water are considered the basic building blocks of everything physical around us.

So What are the 5 Elements…and How do they Work together?

These 5 elements in Feng Shui,  are very important because honestly, there cannot possibly be good feng shui in any space – be it the master bedroom, the front foyer or the kitchen or office area of your home if these elements are not represented in the right amounts at the right time. 😉

How to Feng Shui Mondays Feng Shui Series for CircleofWealth Community Members
Today, I am here to not only help you easily grasp this complex subject, but to go even further and help you have fun and enjoy playing with it and create good feng shui. Creating good Feng Shui in your home is feeling-based, simply something that you can’t usually see, therefore this is something enjoyable and mysteriously fun., agree? So, we agree that this is a lesson not based on fear or obligation, but a lifestyle choice, and after seeing results, it’s a wise one.
Hey, we can’t see God or Santa or the Easter bunny but we believed at some point in our lives the possibility, right? What about Wifi?
So, let’s start. With a basic theoretical foundation first. We need at least a little a bit of theory in order to understand why the feng shui elements are such a big deal in feng shui, don’t you think?
In fact, not only the elements are important; What are the 5 Elements…and How they Work together? the 5 feng shui elements theory is one of the cornerstone theories of this ancient body of knowledge.

What are the 5 Elements…and How they Work together? One Must have a Basic Understanding of the History of Feng Shui and an Introduction to  Chi

Going back many thousands of years (some say 3,000 years, some go as far as 5,000 years or more to the Ming Dynasty); the wise and beautiful feng shui masters of ancient times were exploring the unseen, mystical dimensions of the Universal energy called Chi. Their goal was to map the influence of this energy on humans’ well-being.
Delving into the very depths of cosmic knowledge, these ancient feng shui masters were studying the intricately connected characteristics and patterns between the Universal and the personal expressions of chi, aka energy.

Please note there are many types of chi, such as sha chi, sheng chi, si chi, etc… You can Read more about What is  Chi here. 

No stone was left unturned by these brave warriors of Spirit – they studied with absolute dedication the expressions of this Universal energy in various land formations, in the flow of water, the geometry of man-made structures and so much more.

What they came to clearly understand (and define as a foundation for good feng shui) is that in order for an indoor environment to replicate the potency of Chi, or Universal energy and promote the health and vitality of people, several specific elements must be present.

What are the 5 Elements…and How they Work together?

These vital 5 elements in Feng Shui were defined as Fire, Earth, Metal and Water, and Wood.

Wood Is  Best represented by Trees.

We think of Greens, deep forest, plants and flowers items made out of wood such as your tables and chairs, a desk or dining room table or a headboard in the master bedroom. Pillars in the basement or hallway, stripes or artwork portraying landscapes with magical gardens all can be implemented as the Wood area of your space. Tall, rectangular shapes are a representation of the Wood element.  Have you ever noticed that most wood people are Taller and thin and sometimes overpowering?

Fire is best represented by what else, FIRE.

Some practitioners use anything using the Red colors. Not as effective.

The Fire Elements is represented by lighting candles, lit fireplaces the sun and sunlight, and triangular-shaped or conical-shaped art or statues. You can even implement furniture or decorative items in Red Colors.

Earth is best represented by earth-tone colors.

items made out of clay or terracotta, such as potted plants, tile, stucco brick or earthenware, the Shape that best represents the earth element is square and stable. Deserts, sand, flat plateaus, and earthy landscapes are all of the earth elements. Crystal is the Earth element.

Metal is white and light pastels, such as gray, yes all 50 shades.

Silver and Gold are metals, precious ones too! Metal is best represented by its circular shape.

Water is black, blue all shades think of oceans, and the bottom of those.

Water features items made from mirrors, free-form wavy shapes art depicting bodies of water. Highly Intelligent.

The Five Elements and How They Work Together

Earth (rocks, ceramics), Fire (candles, fireplaces), Metal (electronics, silver picture frames) Water (fountains, aquariums), Wood (living plants or trees – dead wood, like furniture, is yin wood)

To understand how the 5 elements work together, it is best demonstrated by the cycles that Chi moves.

There are three main cycles that Chi Moves.

These are three Cycles in which Chi Moves are:

Productive, Destructive and Controlled Cycles or phases as they are often called.

Five elemeny theory explained by CircleofWealth Destiny Defined
The Five Elements….how they work together/

The Productive Feng Shui Five Elements Cycle work like this:

Wood element feeds fire (fire burns wood for fuel)
Wood feeds fire (fire burns wood for fuel)
Fire Element makes earth (fire makes ashes = earth)
Fire makes earth (fire makes ashes = earth)
Earth creates metal (deposits in earth)
Earth creates Metal (deposits in earth)
Metal holds water (condensation on can)

water Element
Water nurtures wood (plants drink water)

Now you know what the 5 elements are let’s look at How the 5 Elements work together?

The general rule of thumb for Explaining How the 5 Elements work together is:

  • If the dominant element is wood, then use metal and highlight with earth and fire.
    Do not use water.
  • If the dominant element is fire, then use water and highlight with earth and metal.
    Do not use wood.
  • If the dominant element is earth, then use wood and highlight with metal and water.
    Do not use fire.
  • If the dominant element is metal, then use fire and highlight with water and wood.
    Do not use earth.
  • If the dominant element is water, then use earth and highlight with wood and fire.
    Do not use metal.

The Destructive Feng Shui Five Elements Cycle works like this:

  • Wood consumes earth (plants take nutrients)
  • Earth dams water (earth stops water from flowing)
  • Water extinguishes fire (water will kill fire)
  • Fire melts metal (metal will melt and change form)
  • Metal chops wood (axes, etc.)

To balance the five elements use the Productive and Destructive cycles. Use the creative Productive cycle to enhance a particular element. For instance, the ideal element in the South area is fire. Since it is appropriate and desirable to have the fire element there, then you can add wood or fire to enhance the area.


Use the destructive cycle to weaken, control or balance an overly dominant element. For example, if you live in a wooden house in the forest with a hardwood floor then you would have too much of the wood element present. In this case, you would need to add a significant amount of metal to balance your environment.

The Destructive Cycle is the way of relating between the feng shui elements where each element is destroying the other (or making it really, really weak).

Remember, don’t think of the destructive cycle as bad think of it as controlling, or just look at it as a way to understand and balance the elements. Remember to always take a compass reading so you know exactly what area you are working with.

* Please note that this information is for general circumstances, you should always consult with a Feng Shui Consultant before applying any Fengshui cures or remedies in your home or office.

The elements are about balance. There are five elements of feng shui: fire, earth, water, wood, and metal, and they all have their own individual qualities. It’s not about how things look or how they appear. It’s what they represent.

Metal is not just any shiny thing, it’s about condensing. And water is something that’s very fluid, whereas wood is not something that’s brown! It represents growth, like plants. Where they balance each other comes from the union, the Yang. You have black and white, and, it has to complement and allow each other to exist. The elements are the same way—balance these things up.

But it also depends on the room, like in a kitchen, you do want it more fire. It’s not that everything needs to be perfectly balanced every time, right? It’s more about knowing the use of a room and balancing [the elements for that room].

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Illustration: (c)  www.circleofwealth~destinydefined

Originally posted 2017-01-23 05:48:00.

What are the 5 Elements…and How they Work together?

    What are the 5 Elements in Feng Shui and How do they work together?
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