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Did you make your New Year Intention yet? If not that’s ok…

In Chinese thinking, there are three kinds of luck:  heaven luck, the
kind of luck you are born with and cannot change; earth luck, the luck
associated with feng shui and the environment; and, man luck, the
kind of luck you create through positive actions.
Setting your intention at the start of the year at the New Year and
during New Moons is a very potent way to improve your man luck for
the entire year.
Wishing you and yours a prosperous and happy New Year! 
…but remember it doesn’t officially start until… well you will have to check your lunar calendar each year for current dates.

Here are some steps to help you set positive new year intentions:

  • Clarify your intention. What do you want to cultivate in your life? Honestly. As examples, you can use phrases like “I want to feel…” “I intend to…” “May I…” or “Please help me.”
  • Visualize your intention. Imagine what it might look and feel like. What would your life be like if you felt this way, and experienced life this way? Feel it, taste it, listen to it.
  • Create your Vision Board- What is a Vision Board and Why You Need One?
  • Use an affirmation to strengthen that intention. Affirmations are clear, positive statements in the present tense that encapsulate what you want to make a reality.
  • Use a mantra when you need a quick reminder to come back to your intention. A mantra can be a single word and is used as a focal point of concentration (usually in meditation, but not necessary).
  • JOURNAl or Write down your intention. Be succinct, and repeat it out loud. Hang it up on the fridge, write it in your let’s get calm travel-sized notebook, or put it in your phone.
Enjoy the Season.
& Happy Feng Shuiing!
Your Friends at

Originally posted 2012-12-28 00:12:00.

Did you make your New Year Intention yet?

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