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CircleofWealth Feng Shui Bagua Tool

What is the Bagua Map In Feng Shui

What is the Bagua Map In Feng Shui?
Are you wondering What is the Bagua Map In Feng Shui?
The Bagua Map in Feng Shui, also known as the Eight Trigrams, is a fundamental concept in Chinese cosmology and philosophy. It is used in various disciplines, including Feng Shui, martial arts, and divination. The Bagua consists of eight sections, each representing different aspects of life and the natural world.
Definition: Feng shui bagua (also called ba-gua or pakua) is one of the main tools used in feng shui to analyze the energy of any given space, be it a home, office, or  your back yard garden. Basically, bagua is the Feng Shui energy map of your space that shows you which areas of your home or office are connected to specific areas of your life. Translated from Chinese, Bagua literally means 8 areas. 

What are the compass directions on the Bagua and what they represent?

Are you wondering What are the compass directions on the Bagua and what they represent? I was too.The Bagua is an eight-sided symbol used in Taoist cosmology and Feng Shui practices. Each side of the Bagua corresponds to a compass direction and represents various aspects of life. The directions and their corresponding meanings are as follows:

1. North (Kan/Kun): Represents career, life path,

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